Drawing a Lighting Plan
For Your Home!
Hey there, Daymond here! Let's talk lighting!
Qualitative lighting can generate different atmospheres in your home and make your interior even more delightful. But that all depends on you thinking well beforehand of a good lighting plan. Let me be your guiding light.
Step 1: look where the daylight comes in
Step one in your lighting plan is to think about how you can save lighting energy using the incoming daylight as much as you can. Examine the parts of the rooms that most daylight falls in, and then position your furniture accordingly. For example, a desk should be put close to a window. By painting the walls and ceiling light colors, you will need to turn lights on less often.
Step 2: position the basic lighting
Measure your furniture and draw the sitting area and dinner table on your house plan. Then define where the basic lighting is coming in. The basic lighting includes the lights you are going to turn on when entering the room in the dark. These are mostly pendant lamps or spotlights. You can draw the basics lights on the plan using a specific color.
Step 3: position the atmospheric lighting
Your next step is to position the atmospheric lighting. The goal of this warmer and softer type of lighting is to bring coziness and relaxation, for example, in the living room or the bathroom. Atmospheric lights can be created with table and floor lamps, or wall lamps. However, they could also include already existent basic lighting, the intensity of which is adjusted by dimmers.
Step 4: position the accent lighting
A third and last category of lighting are the accent lights. These lights also create atmosphere. You can position lights in a particular way so that they highlight a beautiful painting, a nice family picture, or a piece of design. Also, you can lighten up a reading corner.
Step 5: position the switches
In addition to choosing where to install the three types of lights, you should also position the switches. You want to figure out where they are seen and which lights they switch on. It’s practical to have one switch near the door with which you can switch off all lighting at once when you leave the room. Also, it’s nice to have a switch next to your bed, so you don’t have to switch on a nightlight first before switching on the basic ceiling light.
Step 6: lighting the garden and exterior
Now that you are busy drawing, it might be a good idea to plan the garden and exterior lighting as well. Even though you will only do this after the rest of your lighting design is done, you might already foresee the tubes and circuit breakers for it.
You can probably go through all of these steps on your own. That way, you will save a lot of money. However, don't hesitate to ask an expert to have a look at your plan before implementing it. After all, you rather be safe than sorry.
Good luck!
AgentsDFW by way of Daymond E. Lavine,
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