Looking for Eco-Friendly Ideas?

How to Turn Your Home

Into an Eco-Friendly Home!

Hey, Daymond here! Saving the planet from your lazy sofa . . . it is possible! Nowadays, there are a lot of sustainable building solutions available on the market to allow you to turn your house into an eco-friendly house without giving in on comfort. Here are a few options: 

Rule n°1: insulate

The first step for turning your home into an eco-house is good insulation. It can save up to half of your energy costs. Choose suitable materials and make sure they are correctly applied. Leaks in the corners of your rooms might cause moisture and mold to appear. Also make sure you insulate the duct work in spaces you don’t heat to minimize energy losses. Always keep in mind that a well insulated home needs good ventilation too.

A heat pump extracts heat from the air

A heat pump makes use of sustainable energy. It is able to extract heat from the air or the ground, and then ‘pump’ it inside your home. As the heat does not have to be produced, only transferred, a heat pump is a very efficient system to heat your eco-house.

Solar panels use free sunlight

Solar energy is by far the most sustainable manner to provide heating for your home. Sunlight is free, so you don’t have to worry about high energy prices. However, the conditions for the solar panels must be right. In the most ideal case, you install them on a sunny roof directed southwards.

Turn your home into a smart eco-house

When you install a new heating system in your home, make sure you can monitor the temperature in every space separately. That way, you will know which spaces don't require as much heating because you do not visit them as often. There are a lot of systems on the market that measure your energy consumption per device and enable you to control your energy use from a distance.

Investment in sustainable building solutions is rather high. However, in the long term, these solutions will save you a lot of money on your energy bills. Also, check whether the government offers subsidies or tax incentives to lower your investment costs!

Go for it!

AgentsDFW by way of Daymond E. Lavine,

